Zuweilen kann ich zur politischen Gestaltung meines Wohnortes Sankt Augustin ein kleines Scherflein beitragen. Die Sankt Augustiner Stadtschulpflegschaft befragte die Eltern Sankt Augustiner Schüler zu Ihren Perspektiven auf die Digitalisierung an den hiesigen Schulen. Wir steuerten dazu gerne Fragebogen, technische Durchführung und Auswertung bei.
In the previous issue of PV Tech Power, quality assurance was considered as a key measure in maximising PV power plant performance and ensuring safety. Building on this train of thought, Thomas Sauer and Georg Fischer from EXXERGY examine insurance as a risk mitigation measure, based on analysis of more than 3,600 insurance claim cases.
In a four-year project sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Economices and Energy, a consortium of German experts assessed the quality of actual PV power installations. The researchers now report on how the effects of several common module failures on module and string performance highlight the importance of consistent quality assurance to prevent risks to financial success.
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